Saturday, February 12, 2022

Another Busy Week, Again!

 It seems since 2022 has started that I have been busier than usual but I am okay with that because to me it means that life is getting back to normal...pre Covid.  I am busy at home, at work, at play and more.  This past week I was only home one night that I had absolutely nothing to do but that was because Rory's Soccer practice was cancelled.  I am in three musical groups at church that takes three nights to fulfill my commitment to them.  That, with a soccer practice thrown in (I only do one but there are three a week) and then trying to be social my life stays pretty busy.  Jenny and I went and saw "Rent" the traveling Broadway show, this past week and it was excellent.  Then there are the Olympics.  Right now if anyone asks me what am I watching on TV it is always the Olympics.  After reviewing what I have just written I realize how blessed I am to be so busy.  I have my work life, my home life, my family life, my church life and my social life.  That is something to be blessed with.  I am thankful!

Friday, February 4, 2022

Getting Over A Plateau

 I did not get a chance to get on last weekend because I was busy making Door Prizes for my sister's class she is hosting this weekend.  She lives in California so I have to ship everything to her.  I needed to get it out so she will receive it on time...she did!  Anyway, for the past 6 weeks I have been stuck in a rut with my weight loss.  I did not gain any weight but I also did not lose any.  Basically I had hit a plateau which happens with weight loss.   With that said I knew I needed to do something that would jumpstart my losing again.  I have joined a 75 Days Over Medium Challenge.  This is being held by a Facebook/Instagram friend and it is very similar to the 75 Day challenges that are out there except this one has some different rules.  We have about 10 items we have to complete daily until April 16.  All the items are obtainable as long as you put your mind to it.  I have and in just a few days I think it has made a difference.  I will keep you updated.  Also, I am only 6 pounds away of making 100 pounds loss.  I know I can do it!

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I am a person who has lots of interests and has discovered I love to blog and share my life. God bless the U.S.A.