Monday, April 27, 2020

My "New" Room

For the past month I have been talking about me moving into a bigger room and it has been completed or at least the first phase has.  I have moved into a Master suite in my daughter's home, she has two, and the extra room is really nice. My previous room was great and right next to Rory's room but now I have my own space and bathroom!  When you first walk upstairs you see the 'bedroom" portion of my room then once upstairs you turn and see my crafting area.  Two distinct looks in the same room. I have a huge closet too!  Why the move?  Well my new room was my daughter's studio but she decided she wanted to downsize now that she is a teaching tennis pro and so we swapped rooms.  I guess you could call it a win win situation for both of us.  I already received my mother's day gift from Jenny, Nate & Rory; a really nice chair and ottoman for my new room. I love it and it is so comfortable.  Once I get my stimulus check I am planning on getting a desk top computer and a new crafting desk but for now, phase 1 is complete!  Check out the pics!

Friday, April 17, 2020

How Is Your Coronavirus Going?

I don't know about you but I am ready for this coronavirus stuff to finish up.  I know until there is a cure or vaccine it will not be gone but to be able to get back to some normalcy would feel good.  I have continued to work throughout this process so I have not gone stir crazy like everyone who are doing the self quarantining. Since I also live with my family I have not been alone either.  My extra curricular activities have come to a halt but that has not been that bad either.  It has given my the chance to get some things done around the house and get caught up with things I have not been able to get to in awhile.  I could still use more time but I would not have the world hold up just for me.
Here are some of the things I have accomplished:
     I have gotten to spend some great quality time with my family - watching movies, playing games.
     I have cooked more and that has been fun! Yes, gaining weight too!
     I now appreciate running to any store that is not food related!
     I have grown closer to Our Lord. This is a huge bonus!!!
Things I still need to do:
    Finish my new room that I just moved into. (which will have to wait until stores are open again)
    Get caught up with my card is getting closer to catching up.
    Finish up some art projects
Things I really miss:
    My Church...I work at it and get to be together with the staff but I miss worship and the choirs.
     I miss my friends and doing things together.
     I miss going out to eat, going to a movie, going shopping, sight seeing, etc.
The fact that I am actually living in a history making moment is something surreal and I know this Pandemic is history making.  It has shut down the world!  Think about it; this is a history making moment and I am not sure it will be well documented.  If I were a better writer or a writer at all I would be recording everything going all.  I hope we get true historians to document this and not just someone wanting to make a buck off of it.
Stay safe and healthy.  It is the least we can all be doing during the history making period.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Happy Easter

This is a different  Easter with the social distancing and everybody staying home.  Easter is a time to celebrate but this year we will be doing on our own.  With orders to stay at home there will be no big church services where people can dress up for Easter.  There will be no Easter Bunny events, egg hunts or big family gatherings. There will be some churches having an Easter service and hopefully they will keep the 6 foot rule otherwise there could be a new outbreak of the virus.  I personally will be watching my church’s service on my iPad  to be followed with Rory’s Easter egg hunt and dinner.  
It will be a quiet Easter but still the message and the meaning will be there.  Happy Easter!

Saturday, April 4, 2020

So Tomorrow Turned Into Two Weeks!

It has been kind of crazy around here.  Florida is now a stay at home state and unless you are an essential worker or going to get groceries you are pretty much having to stay home.  You might as well anyway because there is no place to go.  All non essential stores are closed, parks, beaches and attractions are closed.  Sports teams on hiatus, tv shows ending early, new movies being streamed to your home (for a hefty price) and now suggesting we where masks when we go shopping.  It is getting scary and the next two weeks we are going to be even scarier  as the virus begins to peak and the death toll is going to shoot really high.  On the positive side, people are surviving and it would be nice to get those numbers instead of how many more cases and deaths.
I am an essential worker so I am doing my job daily and I realize how lucky I am to have a job and not be furloughed.  I did make the move to my new room and will share that in the future.  It was quite a job but well worth it.
I still feel like I am living in a sci-fi movie but the script keeps getting changed.  So folks, stay home, stay safe, stay healthy.  Do your part and protect others too!  Until next time...take care!

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I am a person who has lots of interests and has discovered I love to blog and share my life. God bless the U.S.A.