Friday, March 26, 2021

A Bit Of Success

 The last two weigh ins have been good and I have been fortunate to actually lose some good weight.  I am now taking my weight loss a lot more seriously and plan on continuing on this journey for quite a while.  It will take some time to lose the amount of weight I want to lose but with every pound I shed I know I am one step closer to truly getting healthy.  I have now lost 28 pounds and I can feel the benefits already.  My energy level is wonderful, my coordination and balance are great, I am controlling what I eat and only eat when I am truly hungry.  I know this will be a 12 to 18 month process but with two months done and 28 pounds lighter I am on the right track.  My daughter did this same thing over three years ago and has kept it off.  She is one of my inspirations for doing this.  Another is my granddaughter; I want to be healthy enough to do things with her with little limitations.  My final goal is that my husband has been gone for almost two years and I think it is time for me to start dating again and maybe I will be lucky enough to find love again.  I know I can probably do  an online dating site but first I would like to try it the old fashioned way and just meet someone along the way.  I am in no rush and I have a lot of work to do to improve me first.  

Side note, I got my second COVID shot so in two weeks I will be ready to start enjoying life a bit more and maybe even go to the movies.  I did have a reaction with my second shot.  I had the Pfiser vaccine and I ended up with a sore arm for about three days and total tiredness for about 20 hours.  Two hours after my shot I felt as if someone took a straw and stuck it in on the top of my head and sucked all the energy out of my body.  I was dead dog tired!  I am back to my old self and ready to get today started with a long walk. 

Walking has become a way to clear my head and just seems to make me feel better.  Each day I walk a little longer and even though I may get tired I keep going because in the long run it is good for me both physically and mentally.  Have a great weekend!

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Working On Getting In Better Shape

 A month ago, when I finally got fed up with the pictures of me and how heavy I had gotten during this COVID time, I got me motivated again to start losing weight and get in better shape.  I joined WW because I know the program and find it easy to work with.  I had joined NOOM in 2019 but never understood the program or received any help from the program on how to get started and how to use it.  I cancelled once I could and thought that was it for NOOM until this January when I got charged (this is two years from when I first joined and the first charge in two years too).  So, I got on and cancelled but since it was a few days from the charge they could not refund me the money.  So, I have NOOM until September and I may try and figure it out.  Meanwhile I also joined StepBet; my daughter Jen sponsors games.  I decided since I had been on WW for a month that this would be a good time to start some exercising and walking is something I can do.  So, here I am, trying to get thinner and stronger.  I will update my progress monthly.  So far, I have lost 18 pounds and have made my step goals.  I am hoping I can stick to it.  The problem is I LOVE food!  I love the good and the bad and am trying to work with both.  I know under my current WW program that I can have anything I just have to account for it.  Is it altering me with anything?  No!  Is it making me make better choices?  Yes!  Still, I LOVE food.  This will forever be my struggle but I am ready to go to battle and hopefully I can win the war this time.  Wish me luck and say a prayer for me!

Saturday, March 6, 2021

A Lot Has Happened In the Past 30 Days

 I did not realize that it had been almost 30 days since I have posted.  I expected to post more often but life got in the way.  I had some interviews at work that I was asked to participate in which meant I had to work a couple of my normal days off.   I found out when I don't have a Friday off it really throws off my week.  I did get to visit a good friend for a weekend in Daytona.  We didn't do much but we sure had a great time.  Just being together for an extended period of time was great.  It was a very relaxing weekend and I guess I needed it.  

I got my first COVID shot.  I am not eligible but I did find out that at the end of the day, if there are any shots available, then anyone can get it.  I went, checked it out and had to draw numbers to see who gets the shot.  I was one of the lucky four who got their shot early.  I am very happy to get the shot and get a step closer to being normal.  In a couple of more weeks I will get my second shot.  I am ready!

Today was my granddaughter's first soccer game of the spring season.  It was rainy and cold but we were out there cheering her on.  I am still not 100% warmed up yet but I am getting there. I know with the COVID shot getting disbursed we are getting closer to normal or whatever the new normal will be.  With that said, I know I will going back to a fairly busy schedule.  The one I had a year ago when everything came to a stop.  In a few months we will all get closer to normal and even though I did enjoy the slower pace I think I am ready to get busy again.  One step at a time of course.  I will be back sooner than later with my next update.  Enjoy your life, it is the only one we get!

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I am a person who has lots of interests and has discovered I love to blog and share my life. God bless the U.S.A.