Monday, December 27, 2021

WOW! Christmas Is Over?!?!

 I don't know about you but I am having a hard time with Christmas already being over.  I don't know if it was how extra busy I was from Thanksgiving to Christmas or the fact that there were only 4 weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Either way, it went quickly for me and I never did get to half of the things I was going to do.  I didn't get a chance to check out the Christmas lights this year or go down to St. Augustine for the Night of Lights festival. I didn't get to make half the crafts I was going to make or get a chance to finish my Christmas baking.  I did, however, manage to stay so busy and that is why I did not get all those things done.  What I did finish was my Christmas shopping early and had everything wrapped and under the tree with a week to spare before Christmas.  I have never done that in my entire life and I kind of missed the last minute rush of getting that last present in the last few minutes.  Oh well, there is always next year.  Anyway, we had a wonderful Christmas and I was spoiled by my sister and my kids once again.  I am a very lucky lady!  I also got to give some wonderful presents this year and I was more excited about what I was giving then what I was receiving.  I hope you all had a great Christmas and I hope you have a wonderful New Year!  Let's hope 2022 is better than 2021.  For me, 2021 was a year of  a lifestyle change and I could not be happier about it.  2022 will continue to be also.  Check back see how I did for 2021 and how I am doing in 2022!  Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 13, 2021

A Very Busy Week!

 This has been a very busy week.  A week from yesterday was my birthday and I got one of the best presents yet.  I get to check something off my bucket list...I am going skydiving!!!  I am so excited and this is something I have wanted to do for a long time.  There was a while where I knew I could not because of my weight issue but now that I have lost 92 pounds I have a new outlook on life and I am also living it again.  I still have about 28 pounds to go and I know I can do it with time.

The Cantata I was in went well and I am glad it is over.  Did I mention I had to dye my hair gray?  I mean I have some gray already but I needed my full head to be gray.  A friend found gray hair paint and so I was completely gray for two days then I washed it away.  Some people loved my gray hair however I did not at least not yet; I know it is coming.

I finally got to work on some Christmas crafts and Friday night I made bath bombs with Rory and Emmy.  They loved it and did really well.  We made 24 bath bombs in three different scents: Peppermint, Lemon and Lavender.  Emmy took some home and Rory gave some to her teachers.  I will also be using them for gifts.  It was fun, easy and didn't make too much of a mess.

Saturday I finally got the majority of my Christmas shopping done.  I only have a few more gifts to get and some more things to make and I will be done.  I should be able to get it completed this weekend.  

Today I have taken the day off from work to play catch up around the house.  I have some cleaning to do and some more crafting.  Hope you are all doing well!

Saturday, December 4, 2021

It Has Been A Very Busy Few Weeks!

You may have guessed that it has been busy for me.  I was doing so well posting every Friday until November hit and it became a bimonthly post.  If has been crazy busy for me and I have had some interesting situations happen too.  First of all, I have now lost 90 pounds and am just 12 pounds to go until I reach my goal of losing 100 pounds.  After I hit that goal I am planning to lose at least another 20 to 25 pounds to reach where I would like to maintain my weight.  I have to say a big "thank you" to all who have supported me along this journey.  It really does help, thank you!
We had some excitement last Saturday: we were on lock down in our homes while the police were searching for a suicidal man that was armed and wandering around our neighborhood.  We live in a suburban subdivision that is normally very quiet and has always been safe.  Our kids play outside, ride their bikes, go to the park, etc. so for this to happen it was kind of a shock.  Rory had a friend over who happen to get to our house as soon as the police were driving around the neighborhood ordering us indoors.  She stayed and played but after 3 1/2 hours she wanted to go home because it was getting scary with the SWAT team in the neighborhood and a police helicopter flying over head.  That is real excitement around here.  Finally after 4 1/2 hours of lockdown the person of interest was found and we could go on with our normal lives.  Rory was a bit scared so I took her to Chuck E Cheese's to have some fun and she did.  It was the perfect distraction and she forgot about the whole incident.
This weekend is a busy one for a couple of reasons.  I have a lead role in my church's Cantata and have been working on my lines since I got the script a couple of weeks ago.  I have a lot to learn but I think they are finally in my head.  We are doing two services tomorrow.  It is also my birthday tomorrow so I have a double duty day!  Learning the script I have a huge appreciation to actors and all the lines they have to learn.  Wow, it is a bit overwhelming.
How was your Thanksgiving?  We had a big family gathering, we do live in Florida where we CAN do it, and it was fun and delicious.  It was good to have a "normal" Thanksgiving again where we could enjoy food and drink and being together.  We all had our COVID shots and our booster shots. 
Finally, have you seen the movie "Belfast"?  If not, go see it!  Wow, it is fantastic.  I have seen it twice in the movie theaters and I have now only seen 5 movies twice in the theaters.  It is now available to rent through Apple, Prime, YouTube, Spectrum, Direct TV and Dish TV.  So, if you still are not ready to go back to the theater rent it.  You will not be disappointed.  It stars Caitriona Balfe, Jamie Doran, Judy Dench, Ciaran Hinds and introduces Jude Hill.  The movie was written and directed by Kenneth Branagh. It is said it will be one of the Academy Award front runner for several nominations.  I hope so, it has been a long time a movie has been made that you can take the whole family too.  Go see it.  
Check back next week and see how the Cantata went!

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I am a person who has lots of interests and has discovered I love to blog and share my life. God bless the U.S.A.