Saturday, August 29, 2020

Tuna Chip Casserole

 We have a family favorite casserole that has been passed down from at least four generations.  I am not sure which side of my family came up with the recipe but it is really good, easy and inexpensive.  All you need is a bag of potato chips (flavored ones work too!), a can of tuna, a can of cream of mushroom soup and some milk.  Can the ingredients be any easier?  When I was growing up we had this casserole at three or four times a month.  I learned to make it when I was 10.  When my kids were growing up we had it at least two to three times a month and now we eat it a couple of times a month.  My kids both request it for dinner still.  So here is the recipe.  Try it, I think  you will like it!

Tuna Chip Casserole


1 can of tuna (6 to 12 oz) drained                                  1 bag of potato chips (crushed)

1 can of cream of mushroom soup (12oz) undiluted     1 cup of milk


1. In a casserole dish spray with Pam for easy clean up later.

2. Place 1/3 of the crushed potato clubs in the bottom of the dish

3. Put 1/2 the tuna on the chips.

4. Put 1/2 the soup on the tuna.

5. Add another layer of chips, tuna and soup.

6. Pour the cup of milk over the layers.

7. Top with remaining chips.

8. Place the casserole in a 350 degree oven for 50 to 60 minutes (top of casserole is golden brown)

Serve with a veggie and salad and you have an delicious, inexpensive and filling dinner.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Get On Board Folks!

 With all that is going on in our great country I have to say that watching the DNC last week made me very depressed due to the issues or lack of issues that was being addressed not to mention the negativity.  It makes me wonder if beating down people and scarring them is the  best direction to go to get votes.  This week I have been watching the RNC and all I can say is I feel better.  It has been a very positive experience because they are keeping it positive.  When  you feel good about something you will support it. With this said, I already know who I am voting for but I will say people wake up and pay attention.  Think back on the last three years and realize, while fighting all, what has happened.  The unemployment rate was at its lowest ever!  People were happily living their lives and in most cases enjoying them.  Then Covid 19 came along and destroyed a lot of what had been built up.  Jobs are coming back and as our country continues to open up it will get better and better.  Have faith people, it will happen.  All those who hate America please leave.  Why stay where you do not like it.  Would you stay in a dirty hotel room?  Then why stay in a country you hate.  Leave and good luck finding some place where you can thrive whether you are happy or not.  Seek the truth and not what the media wants you to know.  We are not puppets so quit listening and do some research yourself.  Let's keep America great!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Great News!

 It has been a month since my daughter had a tumor removed from her brain and this past month has had its ups and downs.  Recovery was not what we expected because we were not prepared for anything because we were not told anything.  The tumor, the size of a golf ball, was benign so that was wonderful news but her eyesight has been a problem.  We know, with time, it should get better.  She started therapy for her eyes and goes twice a week so hopefully that will aide in getting her vision back.  My daughter has been a trooper through out her recovery and has learned patience which is something we all need to learn. She will continue to get better, we know this, we just have to let her brain recover!  Thank you for your prayers and thank you Lord!

Friday, August 14, 2020

One Step Closer To Normal

 On March 17, 2020 when our Governor decided to close schools and businesses and have non essential people work from home our world changed and maybe forever.  After living through 5 months of Covid this and Covid that we are all ready for our normal to come back.  This Sunday, I am one step closer to normal.  My church, which I work at and yes I am an essential worker, will be opening up for worship.  We have had worship services on line since March and that has been well received.  We have made weekly phone calls to ALL of our church members.  We have been planning for this day to come and now the Bishop has decided we can.  We will be open for services but not ready to start up Choirs, Sunday Schools, Youth Groups, Church groups, etc.  That will all come in time.  So this Sunday, August 16th Orange Park United Methodist Church is open for worship at 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM.  Are you ready to worship because we are!

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Door Prize Weekend

 I spent Friday night, all day Saturday and a good part of Sunday working on the next batch of Door Prizes for my sister's SAS (Stamp And Stack) card making session.  She does one every other month and I do her Door Prizes for her. This time I had to design three sets of door prizes with three card each and enough for 24 people.  I spent this weekend designing the cards and throughout this week and next weekend I will be making all the sets.  I really do enjoy making card sets especially when the ideas come to me.  Saturday morning was a very creative time for me where I whipped out four card designs.  Check them out and let me know what you think!

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Diamond Art Is Fun!

 I needed a new hobby like a I need a hole in my head but I started something new!  Diamond Art painting which is like color by number but you use little tiny beads or bead diamonds.  You start with a big sticky canvas that has a picture printed on it with numbers or symbols and a lot of tiny diamond beads in multiple colors.  There are some specific tools you need but the kits come with everything you need.  My daughter Carrie has been doing it for quite some time but now it is a family affair with myself, Jenny, Nate and Rory all doing it too!  It is easy but time consuming - a perfect hobby to do while watching TV, etc.  The bonus is when you are done you have a really nice canvas to hang on the wall.  They make great gifts too! I am enjoying my new hobby so much I am avoiding my other hobbies that I have to work on.  

Friday, August 7, 2020

Two Weeks Ago

 Two weeks ago my daughter, Jenny, had brain surgery to remove a tumor that was the size of a golf ball.  In these past two weeks our lives have changed drastically.  We went from a busy household with trips to the beach, daily tennis, bike riding, getting together with friends (in our circle during covid), working, soccer, etc. to staying at home, watching lots of old movies, tv shows and just taking it easy.  We have had meals brought into us by family and friends, I have done lots of cooking and Rory and I have baked.  It is like night and day and that is okay because with each day Jenny is getting better and better. We did finally, 10 days later, find out that the tumor was not cancerous so that was a major win. There is not a lot out there about recovering from brain surgery but once Jenny is well there will be.  She is planning on writing a how to cope after brain surgery post to hopefully helps others.  Thanks for the prayers for Jenny and please keep them coming we still have a long way to go!

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Learning Patience

Learning patience is one of the hardest things to do especially for someone who is use to working hard and getting things accomplished.  Waiting is not one thing my daughter likes to do.  None of us really likes to wait but it is a way of life and patience is what keeps us from not going crazy when waiting.  I have built my patience up but it has taken years.  I did figure out that if you just relax and don't expect anything soon that the wait time will not seem as long.  However, there is a few exceptions to this like muzak on the phone.  Some companies play a song over and over again as to keep you wondering when it will end.  Some companies play several songs.  The best way to keep you satisfied while waiting on the phone is to play good music that people like to hear.  When I was at Toys R Us sometimes when a caller was on hold I would pick up the call and they would say, "oh, I loved that song."  Okay, I kind went off subject.  The point is patience is tough and when it is your eyesight you are dealing with it makes it extra tough.  Again, my friends, I am asking for prayers that my daughter has the patience to wait for her eyesight to return and that it does return.  Patience really is a virtue.

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I am a person who has lots of interests and has discovered I love to blog and share my life. God bless the U.S.A.