Saturday, February 6, 2021

Making A Ribbon Organizer

 Being a crafter I have a lot of ribbon.  I use it on several of my crafts so I have a lot of ribbon.  Even when I do not need ribbon I buy ribbon because I never know when a ribbon will work well with the craft I am working on.  Lately, I have been using a lot of black, white and red ribbon in combination with each other for the crafts I have made lately.  With that said, I needed a way to organize the ribbon I use most so I do not have to go to my ribbon storage bin every time I need a certain ribbon.  So, I have a crate I was stacking ribbon in but ribbon spools would fall out and unwind the ribbon creating a mess.  I decided to use the crate and a couple of dowels to hold my ribbon.  I got a new pink drill for Christmas from my sister and I used it for the first time.  I drilled holes in the top and slightly in the bottom, stacked up the ribbon and ran a dowel through the top hole, through the ribbon spools to the bottom hole.  It holds the ribbon and it is easy to use the ribbon I want.  One ribbon organizer created! 

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I am a person who has lots of interests and has discovered I love to blog and share my life. God bless the U.S.A.