Monday, June 29, 2020

We Took A Mini Vacay

After my daughter's diagnosis we had already made plans to go to Panama City Beach for the week end.  She was cleared by her neurosurgeon to go and have some fun.  We had a condo on the beach on the 13th floor of a 23 floor building.  Panama City Beach has been my vacation go to for several years and I had been vacationing there for over 10 years. We would camp at St. Andrew's State Park two weeks a year and go deep sea fishing or golfing every day.  It was always a great vacation and one we looked forward to.  This past week end was the first time I had been back in Panama City Beach for over 4 years.  The last time we were there all together was about 6 years ago.  There was four then and now there is two since my friend and I have both lost our husbands this past year.  It seemed strange to be there and have so many wonderful memories come back as we drove around and visited some of my hangouts. I was able to create new memories there with my family and extended family.  We had a good time and my daughter got to relax a bit.  This tumor is weighing heavily on her mind, no pun intended, and hopefully with some more answers we can be prepared for what is going to happen very soon.  I will be posting some of the pictures while in Panama City Beach.  Thank you to my family and extended family for the great time spent together in a terrific vacation spot. It was a fun mini Vacay!

Thursday, June 25, 2020

A Scary Time For A Mom

As a mother you always want the best for your children.  You raise them and teach them and even get them ready for life but what you don't teach them is how a mother feels when their child is hurting.  They have no idea that a mother is feeling as bad, if not worse then the child.  We also hate when our children get sick and we cannot do anything about it.  Right now, that is where I am, my daughter was just diagnosed with a brain tumor.  I don't know anything more than that because we not been told.  What is worse is I cannot be there with her because of COVID and I am with Rory.  Rory was terrified when I had to tell her mommy was in the hospital.  We managed to get through it but she is scared to death and so am I.  I just can't show it.  If you have seen the movie "Steel Magnolia's" then think of me as Sally Field right now but I wanted a better ending.
Today, we hopefully will get some answers and hopefully treatment.  I just have to be patient and keep Rory's best interests.  Time will tell but this unknowing is very hard.  Pray for my daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter.  This is a trying time but it is in God's hands.  He is in control. All I can do is pray.
My daughter has been diagnosed with a Meningioma brain tumor.  It is large but can be removed.  She is being released from the hospital and will have surgery with in the next month.  Please continue to pray.  God is good!

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there.  I hope you all have a wonderful day.  I want to wish my son-in-law, Nate, a very happy day.  He is a great dad to my Rory.  I also am wishing a happy day to my two dads in heaven.  My father Warren and my stepfather Edward. Both were great influences in my life, loved me and are dearly missed.  I also have to wish my husband Tim Loomis a happy Father’s Day in Heaven.  It will be his first one.  Father’s Day has always a different kind of holiday for me.  I guess whenI lost my dad, at a young age, and did not get to celebrate for a couple of years it changed how I felt about it. It is a day to celebrate especially for all those wonderful dads who love their children, protect their children and would never harm their children.  You are your children’s hero.  Happy Father’s Day.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Early Birthday Dinner at Sakura Steakhouse

Happy Birthday Nate!  Nate is my son-in-law and we will be celebrating later today but last night we had an early celebration with our extended family.  We all went to Sakura Steakhouse in Jacksonville and had a great hibachi dinner.  I love hibachi.  I love the show while cooking and of course the food; I even eat mushrooms and onions when it is cooked on the grill.  I am sure it has to do with the Asian seasoning. The girls were not sure of the fire but once the chef starting cooking they enjoyed all he was doing too.  The big hit at the restaurant was the coy pond.  We could not keep them away and the little, who's two, went several times during dinner too!  After dinner we got fish food and all three girls got to feed the fish.  It was a fun evening a great start to Nate's celebration week end with his birthday and Father's Day.  Happy Birthday Nate!

Friday, June 19, 2020

Making T-shirts

I have a Cricut and I do like using it to make lots of things.  One of the things I like to make is
T-shirts especially since I also have a heat press.  I took on a big project by creating and making Tour
t-shirts for the tour that never happened because of COVID -19.  We are calling it the TLC COVID Tour 2020.  I made over 30 shirts with my daughter Carrie's help.  It took us about 11 hours total to get it done.  Well to print, weed and heat press the shirts.  Coming up with the design took me a couple of hours.  The time spent making the shirts was for a good cause.  I hope the TLCs like them since we will not be going on tour. 
Carrie was a huge help and for never doing it before she did great and was very quick at it.  Rory helped too by handing me the shirts and weeded vinyl.  It was truly a team effort.  I did reward both with Chinese food and ice cream.  It was kind of fun to work together on a project.  I am giving Carrie my old Cricut so she can learn and play also.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Happy Flag Day

On this day, June 14, 1777 our flag was commemorated.  At the time it had less stars but through the years, after each state was declared, a star was added.  Woodrill Wilson, officially recognized June 14 as flag day but it was Harry Truman who made it official.
When I was a kid it meant more than it does now and I was reconnected to what it means when I was visiting a town in Alabama a few years ago that makes the flag.  They put a whole new meaning about it. They were so proud that they had that task at hand.
So sometime today just look up to the flag and remember that it is a symbol of our great country.  Remember the men and women who sacrificed and are still sacrificing for. Remember all that it represents and be proud to live in a country where you are free and can make choices, right or wrong and not be jailed for it.  We forget how lucky we are to live in a country where we vote on our leaders, make our own decisions and have a say so.  Happy Flag Day!

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Where Is The Truth Media?

I do get most of my news from TV and Radio.  I seldom read a newspaper but occasionally will pick up a news magazine.  I have one question; when did the news media decide that we want their opinion instead of the straight news?  I don't care what the reporter feels or the producers want to express.  I just want the truth; good or bad!  I watch CNN during big crisis because they seem to have better coverage and do not have a political agenda during the incident but I watch FOX for everything else.  The reason I watch FOX? Because I do not have to hear the media bash President Trump every single minute, hour or day.  I would love to go back to watching NBC, ABC and CBS but they are all so bias and cannot just report the news.  I sure do miss Walter Cronkite.  He reported the news and did it so well and did not throw his opinion in unless asked.  
So NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN and FOX here is an idea, how about just reporting the news without influence from anyone?  Try it for a week, if the ratings go up, and I am sure they will, then make it the new norm.  Bash whoever you have to if warranted but give credit too!  Come on, give it a try!

Friday, June 12, 2020

Reality Is Scary

I am writing this and hoping not to offend anyone but I probably will because I am white.  Facing reality right now makes this world pretty sad.  I feel like History no longer matters.  What happened to George Floyd was awful and no one should have to die like he did and I agree that the police officers involved need to be held accountable.  What this incident has lead to is justified talks about police and black lives matter.  However, and this is where I may get myself into trouble, I still feel that 99.5% of the police are doing their jobs, are good and protecting us.  I have a huge respect for the police and a bit of fear.  That is a good thing because it makes me not want to do anything illegal.  That is a goal a lot of us have. So thank you to all the police officers out their.  The other thing that I feel is that yes, black lives matter, but so do everyone else's lives.  ALL LIVES MATTER! 
Now, about history you can't change it.  It happened.  For instance, slavery was wrong, but we are not the only country that had or has slaves but it happened and it was abolished 150 years ago in our country.  It is history but instead of trying to erase it why not utilize it and teach about it so it will not be repeated.  We must learn from history; the good and the bad!  All races have suffered sometime in the past and some still do today.  If we utilize history we can make a difference and it can be done with respect and honor.  Not by taking down statues, defunding police departments, riots, looting and killings. 
This is just my thoughts and opinion and I am lucky enough to express it because I live in the greatest country in the world where I can express it and not get thrown in jail.  However, I do expect some backlash from people who do not agree with me. Once again, that can because we have that freedom.
Let's learn from history folks.  Let's respect authorities.  Let's respect each other.  I do this by praying to our Lord who sacrificed himself for our sins.  To God, the creator, that has a plan...even now.  To the Holy Spirit who allows us to share the word of God and do His work with others.  Thank you to the our Armed Forces, our first responders, our medical personal, our essential workers, our teachers, our leaders, the media that CAN report the news minus any opinions, our leaders and above all, the Lord.  Together, peacefully, we can get through all that 2020 has thrown at us.  Reality is scary!

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Happy Birthday Carrie!

Today, I became a mom 36 six years ago.  36???  I am not old enough am I?  I feel like I am still in my 30's.  Anyway, Happy Birthday to my daughter Carrie.  I love you more everyday and I am very lucky to be your Mom.  You have always had a sense of adventure and are willing to try anything. 
I hope your dreams will come true soon; you deserve them. 
Carrie was born in San Diego, California but she only lived there for a month.  We were then transferred to Chicago, Illinois for three years then we went to Philadelphia, PA were we lived for four years.  We were then transferred to our final base in Jacksonville, FL and decided to stay.  Carrie has lived here for 30 years now.  Wow! 
Today we are celebrating her birthday with a family dinner, I am making my homemade Spaghetti sauce, that Carrie requested.  It is nice to know that out of all the things I have cooked for her she chose one of my favorites!  Happy Birthday Carrie!!!

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Have You Ever Hit A Brick Wall?

 Have you ever woke up and felt like you have not slept.  I woke up exhausted yesterday and it lingered on all day long.  I still went out and did the things I needed but it wasn't until about 8:00 last night that the exhausted feeling went away.  I did go to bed early, especially for a Friday night, but I woke up this morning feeling rested and 100% better than yesterday. 
I am a person who does not require a lot of sleep to function so to have this tired feeling was a bit bothersome.  Of course my first reaction was COVID?!?  I did not have any other symptoms so I am pretty sure I was just exhausted because I am not anymore.
So today, I start off fresh and will be staying away from TV because I am not in the mood for more rallies or riots.  I am not being insensitive and believe all lives matter; black, brown, red, yellow, white - they ALL matter.  I am not a racist and am a child of God where we are all equal in His eyes.

Friday, June 5, 2020

And The Protests Continue...

I am not against what is being protested about I am against when an outsider utilizes a peaceful protest and turn it into a riot with looting.  I still cannot get the images of watching these random people just walk into stores that are not open but was broken into and just take items.  Why?  These people have no right to just take it.  If anything, they should of protected the store from looters especially if this is their neighborhood and where they shop.  Wake up people!
I have heard the theory that they do this so that others who have not experience discrimination to feel how it is.  That is bull!  Everyone has been discriminated at one time or another and women are still discriminated to this day especially with equal pay or job.  As long as we are humans someone is going to be discriminated.  It is right? No! Does it happen? Yes.  Will it continue to happen? Yes!
This problem has been going on since the beginning of time and will not be going away anytime soon.  Has it changed a bit? YES!  Can it continue to change? You bet!
All I can hope is that things will be a lot calmer in this country and we just all try to get along.  We are all humans, all of lives matter and we all just have to try and get along.  Be kind, Be nice and pray.  Have a nice day!

Monday, June 1, 2020


Why?  Why has looting become the norm when protests take place?  How is this helping what is being protested about?  Why would any "group" want to organize looting?  Looting is illegal and stealing from others is not right and does not fix anything or prove anything except that if you have looted you are now a criminal and not a protester.  I watched coverage of the riots in Chicago.  It made me sad and mad.  I was sad because if the covidvirus never happened I would be packing to head for Chicago on my T.eens L.oving C.hrist tour.  I am mad watching the city I grew up in getting looted and destroying property for justice; justice?  How?  In the city I live in now we are under a curfew and the protests that all started out peaceful got violent but not because of the protesters.  It is because of an organized group that comes in to cause trouble for justice; justice?
I understand the anger over what has happened and black lives matter but to me ALL lives matter.
I am angry over something I cannot control but I can do something about it...legally...I can use my voice, my keyboard and my presence not go loot some place of business that has nothing to do with my anger.  Think people, think about your actions and pray for a better way to show your anger. Pray for justice.  Just pray!

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I am a person who has lots of interests and has discovered I love to blog and share my life. God bless the U.S.A.