Friday, September 24, 2021

Yes, I Time Traveled To The 1960's!

 Last night my church gave a "thank you" dinner to the adult choir.  The choir has been singing in church again starting since June without any COVID issues.  The church wanted to show its appreciation.  We decided to put some extra fun and dress up like it was the 1960's.  It was fun to see what everyone put together.  We had a full range of costumes from the early 60's to the late 60's.  I chose something I would have worn in the  60's since I was just a little girl.  I would have never attempted to wear something like this (see picture to the right) but since I have lost over 75 pounds (still have more to go) I was much more secure to go ahead and wear it.  We all had a great time and we were treated to a wonderful dinner.  Thanks to all who attended and thank you to the church for the dinner.

Friday, September 17, 2021

A River Walk

 I live in Florida and I know how blessed I am because I really have very few limits that can stop me from walking every day.  Yes there is the heat in spring, summer, fall and sometimes winter but there are ways around it like walking early/late in the day.  There is the rain that seems to happen every day anywhere between 2:00 PM and 6:00 PM but it usually doesn't last long or sometimes you just walk in it because it will be the coolest time to walk.  I have actually done that a lot recently.  I also have several areas to walk.  In my subdivision, a trail through the forest or a nice walk along the river.  All are options that are close to me.  I usually walk in my subdivision because we have great walking areas.  This week I walked along the river a couple of times.  The river is nice to walk since it seems to always have a breeze and a great view.  It is only about a 3 mile walk round trip so it is not as long as I usually go but that's okay too!  With Fall coming soon I will miss the changing of the leaves that I grew to love when growing up in Chicago and when I lived in Tennessee a few years ago.  At least I know I can continue my daily walks without worrying about the weather.  Have a great week! 

Saturday, September 11, 2021


Where were you on September 11, 2001?  Almost every American that was alive on that day can tell you where they were and what they were doing the day America was attacked.  I was at work when one of my employees called and said turn on a tv.  We did and we all stood in the service area at Toys “R” Us in shock watching what was happening: The Twin Towers in New York City, the Pentagon in Washington DC, Flight 93 that crashed in Pennsylvania all stark realities of the day.  The innocent lives that were loss, the heroes that were created, the survivors are all reminders of that terrible day when we became united as a nation.  Patriotism ran rapid, American flags were hanging everywhere and the police and firefighters everywhere proved their importance and why we need them. I hoped, today, that every American will take a moment to remember what took place right here in the USA and work together as a Nation not to let it happen again.  This is my country, I love it and I will defend it until the end!

Friday, September 10, 2021

Head Versus Floor

 I had a very fun day yesterday!  I was up early because I was going to have to leave early for work so I could stop and pick up my oldest daughter so she could borrow my car while I was at work.  Well, it was looking good until I went downstairs to get my granddaughter her breakfast.  It was dark as I was crossing through the living room and all of a sudden I hit a puddle of something and slide to the floor with my head hitting and stopping my slide...OUCH!  I laid there at first and never passed out.  I went to touch the part of my head that was hurting only to find out I was bleeding.  Well, anytime the head gets a cut it bleeds terribly as did mine.  My other daughter and son in law came running into the living room to find me on the floor and bleeding.  My daughter was quick it getting pressure on my head to control the bleeding.  After a few minutes I got up and sat on a chair with a bag of frozen corn on my head.  It felt good and helped stopped some of the bleeding.  It was not clear exactly where the cut was so I changed out of my pee soaked pajamas and my daughter took me to the ER.  Since I am retired military we went to the base hospital which was a bit longer drive but a heck of a lot cheaper for me.  I am glad I did.  The ER at the hospital was wonderful.  I was taken in right away and within minutes I was being attended to.  After cleaning the wound it was determined that it was a large abrasion and not a cut so no staples!  I then had a CT scan and it came back clear.  No swelling and no concussion.  I always knew I had a hard head but I did not realize how hard of a head I had; until now.  I was told to take Tylenol if I had pain. The Doctor said it would take 3 to 4 weeks before the huge lump disappears. I am good with that too...better than staples.   I was in and out in about 90 minutes and back home to rest.  My kids have been great about taking care of me.  I am doing pretty good today.  I do have a headache but nothing that I can't live with right now.  I know how blessed I am because it could of been a lot worse. Fun times and a heck of a way to get another 4 day weekend.

Friday, September 3, 2021

My Amazing Girl!

I know I tend to brag and go on and on about my granddaughter but she is my joy!  She makes my life so much fun and keeps me active.  The past couple of weeks she has learned to ride a two wheeler, by herself, and then continued to be a little speed demon and obstacle course winner.   As she rides her bike I walk and now I am thinking it is time to get a bike of my own.  That way I can keep up with her.  We now go on almost nightly walks/rides.  She loves going to her school and ride around the bus loop or the drop off area.  There are cones there that she zigzags around.  She also loves riding to the park in our neighborhood.  This past Tuesday we were only going to have a few minutes at the park because it was getting dark.  I was trying to figure out how to make this quick park trip fun and then we got to the park she found two baby turtles under the swings.  She had to save them so she picked them up and put them in the grass.  Just as she "saved" those turtles she found two more and had to save them too.  That made her night to pick up baby turtles.  It ended up being an amazing night at the park and will be a wonderful memory for her and me.  Love this girl and love our adventures!

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I am a person who has lots of interests and has discovered I love to blog and share my life. God bless the U.S.A.