Friday, November 30, 2018

Vintage Market Days Begins!

Today will be the first day of the The three day event and we are looking forward to seeing you all.  If you are in the Jacksonville area this really is a fun event and I guarantee you will get some Christmas shopping done!  Vintage Market Days (VMD) is at the Clay County Fairgrounds in Green Cove Springs, FL.  It is open from 10:00-5:00 today and tomorrow Friday & Saturday and 10:00-4:00 on Sunday.  The cost is $10 today and $5 on Saturday and Sunday.  Come by and say “Hi” and maybe do some shopping at Salted By Jen!

Thursday, November 29, 2018

The Set Up Began...

Salted By Jen is set up at Vintage Market Days -Jacksonville but not merchandised.  For people from up north you will not understand but it was so cold yesterday with the wind chill that Jenny had to quit set up because she was completely frozen.  Her location is next to a breezeway and the wind was whipping through so hard that even though it was around 45 degrees outside, still cold for Florida, the wind chill kept it in the 20s.  She did not get warm until around 7:00 last night after a hearty dinner; my meatloaf!  She has today to merchandise let’s just hope that the wind dies down and the temperatures go up!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Gearing Up For A Big Week End!

Today is set up day for Vintage Markets Days In Jacksomville, FL at the Clay County Fairgrounds.  This will be The third year for Jenny and Salted By Jen.  The two previous years were successful and we are hoping this year will be too.  After our terrible show at the Pinterest conference Jenny needs a win.  She is a bit gun shy and she lost money in the deal.  So, if you are in the Jacksonville area come on out to the. Clay County Fairgrounds this Friday, Saturday or Sunday from 10 - 6 and shop.  Salted By Jen will be there making custom cuffs or bar necklaces while you shop!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Keeping A 4 Year Old Busy

Getting our the Christmas items and putting the Christmas lights up on the house is challenging enough but it becomes even more challenging when your 4 year old granddaughter wants to help.  So, Mom and Dad got her busy with other activities.  Rory has been wanting to play with her kinetic sand for a while but it makes such a mess in the house but the problem was solved by setting up the beach tent and letting her play with it in there.  She loved it and pretended she was at the beach.  Oh course to help keep her busier she and I went for a ride on her bike around the block too!

Monday, November 26, 2018

Christmas Jammies

On Black Friday or Thursday; is there a name for shopping on Thanksgiving? Anyway, Jenny and Nate were amongst those who shop on Thanksgiving day beginning at 5:00 pm and Jenny did find some very cute matching pajamas.  Jenny loves snowmen so the are snowman Jammies and are soft fleece.  Very warm and VERY comfortable.  They feel so good on you really do not want to take them off.  We wore them while we were decorating and every night since we got them.  Thanks Jen, I love them!

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Thanksgiving Dinner Again

I actually enjoy making Thanksgiving Dinner and this year I did not have to do it because we went to another family member’s home for Thanksgiving which was really nice.  Since I missed not cooking we decided to have a little Thanksgiving Dinner yesterday with friends and I was able to fix the whole dinner.  If I do say so myself, it was delicious!  Friends brought corn casserole and rolls and some dessert.  All together is was a great Thanksgiving feast!

Saturday, November 24, 2018

The Decorating Has Begun!

If you were not shopping on Black Friday perhaps you were decorating.  That is what we did and we got a lot done but not all of it.  The outside is done thatnks to Nate and it looks terrific!  Great job Nate!  The inside is happening and we did I get our stockings hung and Rory’s tree is up but we still have more to go.  We got the tree up late last night and we will decorate it today with Rory!  One sad note, I won’t have any of my ornaments but now I can make new ones! Look for more pictures tomorrow but here is a picture of the outside!

Friday, November 23, 2018

Happy Black Friday!

Happy Black Friday!  It sure is for me because I am working and it is not retail.  I do not have to deal with shopping or shoppers and in a matter of fact I did I shop yesterday but it was on line with free shipping and I am glad!  I know cyber Monday is coming but I think I have spent my wad so at least until payday I am done!  Jenny and Nate went out and fought the crowds but I can honestly say I am good abs content not to shop.  Have fun Black Friday shoppers!

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!  I hope you have a wonderful day celebrating with family and friends.  I will be with my daughter, SIL, and granddaughter Along with my SIL’s family.  It should be a fun day!  My Thanksgiving is kind of different as we have lots of traditions but they changed as we changed in our lives and this year is ever changing again.  There is so much to be thankful for!  Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

A Fun Gift!

I went to Ollie’s, a close out store, and came across a fun gift for one of my family members.  Actually it minght be for more when I go back.  It is a large container of sour warheads.  Personally those do nothing for me but there is a member of my family that loves them.  I think it will be fun to see the reaction when they open it.  Christmas shopping has begun!  The huge rolls old candy also included smarties and laffy taffy.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Quick & Easy Chicken Recipe

Last night I was tasked to figuring out dinner around 4:00 with nothing but frozen meat.  Well, normally that would be a problem but not when you have an instant pot.  I looked up a recipe to make frozen chicken breasts and about an hour later it was dinner.  I did not start dinner until 5:00 but by 6:00 we were eating very moist and tasty chicken breads and fresh corn on the cob!
Here is the recipe:
Place the frozen chicken breaths in the instant pot.  Add 1 1/3 cups of chicken broth, salt & pepper, minced garlic (2 tablespoons) fresh or dried thyme (1 tablespoon) 2 tablespoons of butter and three bay leaves.  Set pressure cooker for 10 minutes (it will take around 10 minutes to heat up.  Then let the pressure release naturally, around 10 minutes.  They were moist and delicious?

Monday, November 19, 2018

A Beautiful Thanksgiving Altar

My church knows how to decorate an altar for Thanksgiving.  Through out the years there have been some spectacular ones showing our thanks and this year is no different.  Everything used for the Altar is a symbol for something we are grateful for.  Thank you Altar guild for another beautiful and meaningful Altar.  Truly thankful!

Sunday, November 18, 2018

A Fun Day Turned To a Sad Night

Rory and I had the best day yesterday.  She came to the storage unit with me and helped me with some things there then we headed to AC Moore to find some Thanksgiving crafts.  After that we went to watch mommy snd daddy play in a tennis tournament.  The was a great park next to the tennis courts so Rory and I played there while mom and dad played a match.  The park had some really cool funky buildings that surrounded some trees.  It was kind of Suessical.  Rory loved it and had so much fun!  After the park we went to watch some more tennis then headed home to do some crafts.  Rory went to a Friendsgiving with mommy and daddy in the evening and was having a blast until it was time to go home and that was when the night became sad.  The dog at the house they were at bit Rory’s hand as she went to pet it.  It broke skin on two of her fingers and her thumb.  We went to the ERbecause her fingers swelled up quickly.  She was deemed good and will heal. We just have to keep it clean and watch for infections.  What a day!

Saturday, November 17, 2018

A Storage Unit & My Beautiful Girls

I did something brand new yesterday, I rented a storage unit for my craft items.  When you go from a Crafty Cottage to a Crafty corner the space is just not quite the same and I do not want to impose on Jenny and Nate so I decided to rent a small storage unit to put my supplies in.  Not exactly the most practical thing to do but it does make sense. So, after signing all the paperwork and seeing the unit I went back to get my first load.  I will have to better organize the unit then I will show it off.  After my first load I went back to the house and played with Rory and mt “adopted” grandkids Emmy and Caroline.  Check out the picture of my three girls!

Friday, November 16, 2018

The Force Was Against Me!

Did you ever have a morning when as hard as you tried to get things accomplished or get going nothing worked in your favor?  Well yesterday was that kind of morning for me!  I tried but every time I felt like I may make some progress the forces pushed back and said, NOPE!  Here is just a small portion of what went wrong yesterday:
Car check was late & not finished, Rory running late with everything, traffic in neighborhood, school busses, school zones, surrounded by super slow drivers, well under the speed limit, red lights...I hit every single light between here, school and work; and more stuff.
So, what do you do when you cannot get a break?  Give in, use your patience, breathe and just accept you are going to be late for work.  The good thing is the day DID get better!

Thursday, November 15, 2018

My Car

My car is going to keep me on my toes.  Just as I was getting use to the squeaks and rattles, I need to replace my struts ($700), my cooling decided to lay games with me as I am driving Rory and I home my temperature gage almost hits the top.  Great, now I am thinking I will also have to replace my radiator, etc.  I still love my car but I am thinking I did not choose wisely.  Come on car, hang in there.  I guess my Christmas present this year will be car repairs.  Just what every girl wants!

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

I Love the Hallmark Channel!

Yes, I am one of “those people” who watch the Hallmark channel when they begin airing their Christmas movies in October.  I will always be one of “those people”.  Why you may ask?  For pure enjoyment and happiness.  Hallmark movies will always have a happy ending and will always be decorated for Christmas. It makes me happy and it is very calming.  So Hallmark channel haters...don’t watch it and.also don’t make anyone who does feel bad.  To all my Hallmark channel sisters and some brothers let’s just keep enjoying our Christmas movies.  Thank you Hallmark!

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Great Time In California!

I was sad to leave California yesterday after a great week end with my sister, Pam and BIL, Brian.  We had a great time together, like we always do, and it is always hard to say good bye.  Our last day together, after the SAS was all over and cleaned up we just did some things we normally do when I am there for a few weeks  but we did it in one day.  We went shopping TWICE!, had In and Out, a great burger place, set up her Cricut and then had some of the best Chinese food you can find in the San Diego area, Chin's!  We ended our evening with watching a new Hallmark Christmas movie.  It was a day packed with fun.  Thank you Pam and Brian for a great week end! 

Monday, November 12, 2018

Happy Veteran’s Day!

Happy Veteran’s Day to all the veterans out there.  I know it was officially yesterday but since many of us have today off too I thought I would take advantage of it.  There are many members of my family that are Vets and I am thankful and proud of them all.  It is a great sacrifice and I am happy that people are realizing some people do not put themselves first.  I salute you all!

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Day Two Was A Success

Day two of Pam’s SAS was a success and Pam did a wonderful job.  It was good to be with more California friends especially my Cali BFFs! Once again there was fun to be had by all and when the last guest left and clean up was upon us Carrie & Harrison, neighbors and best friends came over to help clean up.  With the four of us we set a record and had everything cleaned up an put away in 45 minutes!  We went to dinner at BJ’s Brewhouse where a wedding reception was going on in the middle of the restaurant.  Kind of a weird place for one but I guess you could say we crashed the wedding!?!  It was another great day!  Thanks Pam!

Saturday, November 10, 2018

First Day Of The SAS Is A Success

The first day of the two day event of the SAS (stamp and stack) is a success in many ways.  We had two of the three sessions yesterday; at 10:00 and at 3:30.  Each session went well and the participants loved the cards, food, door prizes and special surprises.  Yes we played Christmas music and Pam and I dressed in Christmas shirts.  It was a Christmas event and we went all out short of decorations and a tree.  It was a fun day and the best part for me was seeing all of my California friends and hanging out together.  Day two starts in a couple of hours!

Friday, November 9, 2018

I’m In San Diego!

It is no secret that my sister and I have a wonderful relationship.  We are not only sisters but best friends.  That wasn’t the case when we were growing up but it has been the case since high school/College.  I arrived last night and was greeted with a HUGE hug.  Sister’s week end began!  The next couple of days will be busy helping her with her SAS and it will be wonderful to see my California friends again.  Sunday and Monday morning will be truly sister time but until then we have some classes to give!

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Flying West

Today, after work, I am heading out west to California for the week end.  It may sound like a long trip for a week end but it is an extended week end so, I have extra time.  My sister’s SAS is this week end it is is also my sister’s week end.  Pam and I have gotten together every year for a sister’s week end/week/month/week end since 2001.  This is our 17th year!  Flying West!

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

It is no secret that the only reason I like to carve pumpkins is to get the pumpkin seeds.  There is nothing better than roasting them with olive oil and some salt.  Last night, while switching between Hallmark and the news I roasted the pumpkin seeds and there were delicious.  I will include my easy recipe at the bottom.  Yum!
Roasted Pumkin Seeds
Wash and dry the seeds before roasted, I like to lay them on a paper towel to dry throughly.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
On a cookie sheet mis pumpkin seeds and two tablespoons of olive oil ( up to two cups of seeds)
Roast for 30 minutes or until golden brown
Remove from oven, salt to taste and let cool 10 minutes.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Go Out And Vote

This being a mid term election many less people vote then when it is a presidential election but it is still important to vote.  It is your way of choosing and even if your candidate or amendments does not win at least you did your part.  We live in a democracy and it is our right to vote. I was hoping by now the negativity towards our president would die down but that is not happening and I blame the media for keeping it going.  I just wish the media would just report the facts and not their opinion.  I made the right choice last time I voted and I am hoping I made the right decisions this time too.  Just Go Vote; I did!

Monday, November 5, 2018

Door Prizes Are Done!

My week end consisted of working in my little corner averaging 8 to 10 hours each day (Friday, Saturday & Sunday) to complete the door prizes for next week end’s SAS in San Diego.  It was not a bad way to spend a week end because I still had fun with Rory on Friday, enjoyed her soccer game on Saturday as she scored 5 goals, and went to church & babysat on Sunday.  I am just glad I got them done so I can mail them and not have to take them on the plane with me.  160 cards...done!

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Did You Set Your Clocks Back?

Do you feel more rested today or were your really early for church?  Well, if you did or did not set your clocks back one hour before going to bed that is the reason.  It will be lighter in the morning but darker in the evenings.  Good luck changing the tough clocks like your stove or oven or the car.  If it doesn’t bother you to have the wrong time just leave them; we spring ahead in four months.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Door Prizes, door prizes, door prizesThey are coming along!

My Friday consisted of working on my “3rd job” creating Door prizes for my sister Pam’s SAS next week end.  You see they have to be extra special because I am actually going to attend her SAS in San Diego next week end and am very excited!  I am on a deadline because they have to be in the mail by Monday in order for them to arrive in time.  I could bring them with me but I am not planning on taking a lot with me to San Diego.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Halloween Part 2 Trunk or Treat

At Orange Park United Methodist Church (OPUMC) in Orange Park, Florida there was the first annual Trunk or Treat.  I am not sure if there will be a second annual one next year yet but it this year's turn out is any indication there will was a success.  I participated in the event and donated my trunk.  At a Trunk or Treat people park their cars, decorate their trunks and pass out candy to the trick or treaters.  My trunk was an orange disaster but it was decorated.  I titled it the after party of a successful Halloween party.  It was fun and I was lucky to be parked next to some fun people and their trunks.  The trunks were amazing...just check out the pictures. ----> ----> ----> ---->

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Carving Pumpkins

This Halloween post will be in two parts.  The first part is all about pumpkins and the second part, tomorrow, will be about the trunk or treat at the church.  Rory and I rushed home from work/school for one carve pumpkins.  We have been trying to carve them since Saturday and Monday.  Rory helped clean out the pumpkin and she chose the faces.  She wore huge gloves so she could clean out the guts and of course collect every pumpkin seed.  I love carving pumpkins for one reason; pumpkin seeds! We had fun and the pumpkins turned out pretty good.  Part 2 of Halloween tomorrow!

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I am a person who has lots of interests and has discovered I love to blog and share my life. God bless the U.S.A.