Friday, August 16, 2019

Life Goes On

It has been two weeks since Tim’s memorial service and like with everything; life goes on and it has. Thank you for all the love and prayers from everyone who has reached out to me.  All are very much appreciated.  Since Tim’s death our 36 Anniversary was last Tuesday and it was a bittersweet day.  I am still in the middle of clearing up everything with Tim’s estate; there isn’t one but people need to be contacted and that is what I have been working on.  I do have to say some people you have to deal with are not very understanding.  I just hope if they ever have to deal with death they get treated better than I have.  With that said, it is coming together and soon everything will be taken care of.  A lot has happened in these past two weeks but the biggest thing is Rory started Kindergarten.  She has gone for three days and so far she likes it. Today I got to take her to school so I now know the routine.  This blog, beginning today, will be more about Rory’s and my adventures.  It is time to get some happiness back in our lives.  Thanks for hearing (reading) my rant.  Have a good week end!

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I am a person who has lots of interests and has discovered I love to blog and share my life. God bless the U.S.A.